At the Kapihan in Manila Hotel recently, in the presence of my co-candidate Capt. Mon-Mon Mitra and the Chief of Staff of Col. Ariel Querubin, I expressed my full support for their candidacy and said it is good that our soldiers continue to have a voice in the Senate. In the same vein, I am also the voice of the marginalized sectors like women, persons with disabilities and senior citizens.
My concern for women does not in any way diminish my support for other sectors including soldiers. In fact, I have been visiting the men and women in uniform, supporting in particular, the concerns of our women soldiers. I have also pushed for more benefits for the widows of our soldiers.

I reiterated to my new military friends in Davao of my continued support for the concerns of our soldiers. It’s the same assurance I tell our women soldiers whenever I have a chance to meet with them, that I will always be around to champion their causes as I encourage them to excel in their profession.

I would welcome more suggestions on how our government can better provide for the welfare of our soldiers, particularly, the women and uniform, and the widows and orphaned children of our fallen heroes.