I don’t recall suffering from jet lag as much as I am now. Its been more than a week since I got back from Ethiopia and my body clock is still off. Last Sunday, I ran the Greenfield 10k race on 1 hour sleep. That night, I slept soundly and after 7 hours of sleep, was able to train at 7 am. The next day however, I could not get out of bed! I skipped training all together.
But jet lagged or not, I’m suppose to be back in training. It’s triathlon season for me. And I do miss doing triathlons. The last six months I did three marathons – Amsterdam in October, New York in November and just this March, Tokyo. The week we got back to Manila, my training partner and I swam and biked and he said “Partner, we’re triathletes again!”
I laughed and said, “yes we are.” Truth is, we never stopped being triathletes. Though my last three major races were all marathons, we actually did our fair share of triathlons in 2008.
Last July, Joey and I planned a trip to NY and looked for a race to join in the area. His sister lived in New Jersey. So did my cousins. Best of all, m my brother Lino was living in New York. We ended up doing the Rhode Island inaugural 70.3.

The next week, I did NY tri with Lino. A few weeks later, Joey represented HSBC Philippines in the HSBC triathlon in London. Then he did the 03 triathlon in Subic. I did the Olympic distance.

Finally, in September, I did the Singapore 70.3 and he did a full ironman distance at my event “12 hours in Memory of Gabriel.”

Ani de Leon, who completes our trio had her share of triathlons that year too. She did Ironman Langkawi in February where she qualified for a slot in Kona, the world championships. To prepare for Kona she also did the Singapore 70.3 and the 03 in Subic. Then she was off to Kona to fulfill her dream.

Although I love doing tris, it definitely takes a lot of time to train for one. I have to plan my training schedule very carefully.. I need to plot and work in 3-4 sessions of running, biking and swimming, plus at least 1 yoga and 1 boxing session (boxing is our easy day/cross-training work-out).
My training partner and I need to juggle work, parenting and other commitments throughout the week. And in my case, I need to be protective of the amount of back-to-back runs my legs can handle to avoid injuries.. And yes, I need my sleep.
So every week, we start out with a training plan. But every night, my training partner texts me and asks, “What’s ETT?” That’s estimated time of training. You see, even though we already have a plan for each day, he knows that it could change depending on:
– How my body feels/what’s on my mind
– how much sleep I will get
– changes in my schedule
Although I always try to stick to the training plan, I sometimes alter the distance or intensity of the session, depending on the three factors above. If I suddenly have an early day, then we will just do a quick run or box for 45 minutes.
What makes our ETT even more difficult to predict these days is the summer heat. I always fantasize about starting at day break..IF I could only get to bed early. But that rarely happens when you have a long day with lots on your mind, kids to take care of and work that you take home.
So what’s a sleepytrigirl to do? Same thing, I’ve done the past few years. Kiss my kids goodnight and set my alarm; hit the snooze button a few times before I finally roll out of bed in the morning; text or reply to my partner that I’m awake or check that he is and down my oatmeal and vitamins before he walks in the door.
Rain or shine, sleepy or wide awake, its time to train and be grateful for the gift of fitness.
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